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When Deciding Isn't So Easy

It’s no secret what every day holds for us. Decisions. Simple ones like what to wear, although for me that’s not always so simple if I’m wanting to sport the latest trends or be a little more me. Quick ones like deciding to grab a granola bar or if I have time to make a fried egg for breakfast, or which Starbucks I would like to find joy in today. As the day goes on they get a little tougher. What do I tell my mama who seems to always know what’s best for me? How do I nonchalantly avoid that coworker who just doesn’t seem to quit talking? How am I going to make rent this month?

Some sources say the average person makes around 35,000 choices per day. Is anybody else feeling immediately affirmed–I knew I was tired! If you somehow manage to find those precious seven hours of sleep a night, 35,000 means we make about 2,000 decisions every hour or one every two seconds. The pandemonium pandemic year of 2020 has done us no favors in aiding our ability and exhaustion in making decisions. Many have found themselves overwhelmed and anxious just deciding how they’re going to get their groceries every week. We’ve all been called to rethink how we do daily life things like school, grocery shopping, and going to appointments. Called to make more decisions on how we even make decisions! For many of us, this shift in our decision-making has hit home in far more personal ways. We’ve been faced with life-changing events on a personal-pandemic level like planning a wedding, laying a loved one to rest, or getting pregnant.

All of those personal events can be a form of crisis. Whether joyous or burdensome. Exciting or grievous, they all are significantly life-altering. They all require extra decisions on top of our 35,000 normal, regular, routine, everyday ones. At Resource Health, we meet thousands of men and women each year who are trying to decide what to do with the news of a positive pregnancy test. Knowing how difficult everyday decisions can be, we want to equip you to make a confident decision when you’re facing this life-changing event, whether unplanned or planned. We will encourage you to slow down, take time, and consider what you want and where you want to be in the future. We want to inform you of all the possible outcomes. We want to equip you with resources and support. Ultimately, we want to care for you wherever you’re at, wherever you’ve been.



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